
Greece: Rescue 50 stranded refugees

Index Number: EUR 25/5891/2022

UPDATE: The 50 people seeking safety, including 12 children, three pregnant women and a 70-year-old woman with diabetes have reportedly been pushed back to Turkey.  According to information provided by the Greek Council for Refugees and HumanRights360, the two legal organizations representing the refugees, they were pushed back on 26th July. Some of the refugees, who were stranded in dangerous and dire conditions on one of the Evros islets for 12 days, are understood to be in hospital and others are being detained by the Turkish authorities.  
Since 14 July, 50 people seeking safety have been stranded in dangerous and dire conditions on one of the Evros islets. The individuals, who are Syrian and Palestinian refugees, have no food or safe drinking water and report that two of the children are sick and a woman with diabetes is in need of urgent medical care. Despite interim measures issued by the European Court of Human Rights last week, the group has not yet been rescued. The Greek authorities must urgently rescue them and provide support, health care, access to asylum procedures in Greece and protection from non-refoulement.

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