In Algeria, between 250 and 300 people remain deprived of their freedom solely for exercising their rights to freedom of expression, peaceful assembly and association.
What’s the problem?
Algerian authorities are targeting activists, journalists, human rights defenders and other critics of the state. Anyone seen to go against the grain, be it by criticizing the government on social media, participating in a group protecting minority rights, or writing for independent media, risks being detained in this indiscriminate crackdown on free expression.
In the past four years, authorities have arrested and detained thousands of political and civil society activists, human rights defenders and journalists for expressing their views, prosecuting them under vaguely worded Penal Code provisions. Many detainees have been released over the years, although at least around 300 remain deprived of their freedom – some in deplorable conditions – solely for exercising their rights to freedom of expression, peaceful assembly and association. Authorities have also abused anti-terrorism laws to target dissidents and critics.
With your continued support, we can, together, put pressure on the authorities to release those arbitrarily detained solely for exercising their rights. We will not stop until the last detainee is free.
What can you do to help?
Sign the petition to end the continuing bogus prosecution and arbitrary detention of hundreds of state critics, civil society activists, human rights defenders and journalists.