Every day in Paraguay, two girls aged 14 and under become mothers, shattering the childhoods and life opportunities of hundreds of girls every year. The Paraguayan authorities could implement tried and tested policies to address this issue – but they are not taking action. Call on them act now.
Paraguay has the highest rate of teenage pregnancy in South America, with almost 20,000 pregnancies registered in adolescents between 10 and 19 years old each year. Many of these pregnancies are a result of sexual abuse, with over 80% of these cases occurring within the family.
There is indisputable evidence that comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) plays a key role in prevention and early detection of cases of sexual abuse, equipping girls with the capabilities to recognize, and raise the alarm about, situations of abuse; whilst at the same time transforming the gender norms and relations that give rise to such situations in the first place. However, the Ministry of Education has banned comprehensive sexuality education in schools, whilst also eliminating all references to “gender” in public educational materials. This represents a gross failure of the Paraguayan State to uphold the rights of girls to health, education and freedom of violence
Sign this petition to demand comprehensive sex education in Paraguay.
Because girls should be allowed to be girls, not forced to be mothers.