Country Profile
The authorities carried out an estimated 85,000 detentions between 20 March and 30 June, for alleged non-compliance with the evening curfew. Abortion remained criminalized in all circumstances. The authorities failed to pass the comprehensive anti-discrimination legislation demanded by civil...
Latin America and the Caribbean suffer from high levels of gender-based violence that are rarely investigated effectively. For those who engage in sex work, the large number of abuses, particularly at the hands of state officials, is compounded by profound discrimination that makes it almost...
December 10, 2021
Across Latin America and the Caribbean, gender-based violence is so widespread it is considered a public health problem. Evidence shows that women sex workers are at heightened risk for violence from state officials and other individuals. This report gathers strong evidence which suggests that...
March 28, 2019
This submission was prepared for the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of the Dominican Republic in January 2019. In it, Amnesty International evaluates the implementation of recommendations made to the Dominican Republic in its previous UPR, including in relation to discrimination against LGBTI...
December 5, 2018
Censorship and Freedom of Expression
Suggested recommendations to Afghanistan, Cambodia, Chile, Viet Nam, Slovakia, New Zealand, Uruguay, Dominican Republic and Eritrea considered during the 32nd session of the Universal Periodic Review, 20 January – 1 February 2019
December 1, 2018
The Human Rights Council adopts Universal Periodic Review outcome on the Dominican Republic. This is Amnesty International’s response.
July 10, 2018
Dominican Republic
International Justice
Dominican and the Haitian authorities, as well as international organizations and donors, need to respect the commitments they initially made and the obligations they have under international human rights law in order to ensure that Haitian migrants and Dominicans of Haitian descent are not...
June 15, 2016
Human Rights Defenders and Activists
Amnesty International movement is tremendously sad to learn that Magaly Pineda passed away after a long battle with cancer on 29 March. She was a prominent Dominican feminist, sociologist and human rights defender who tirelessly advocated for equality, access to education and respect for human...
March 30, 2016
This briefing shows that instead of taking steps to implement the UN Human Rights Committee´s recommendations on the right to a nationality, the Dominican Republic has taken measures which have resulted in arbitrary and retroactive deprivation of nationality for tens of thousands of people. In...
December 7, 2015
A 2013 Constitutional Court judgment (Judgment 168-13) has made statelessness a matter of law for several generations of Dominicans of foreign descent. This report shows that several groups of people, mostly of Haitian descent, living in the country remain stateless. People who are stateless in the...
November 19, 2015
Amnesty International urges the Dominican Republic to ensure that no person born in the Dominican Republic will be deported from the country, after the government authorities announced on 14 August the resumption of operations to detain and deport “foreigners who resides illegally in the country”....
August 21, 2015
Amnesty International carried out a visit in the Dominican Republic from 14 to 27 June 2015, with the aim of assessing the situation of people who were deprived of their Dominican nationality by the ruling 168-13 of the Constitutional Court. The visit also aimed at advocating with the Dominican...
June 30, 2015
Liliana currently lives in fear in her own country. The 21 year-old Dominican woman was born and has lived all her life in the Dominican Republic (DR). She gave birth to three children there. But today, Liliana is wracked with fear whenever she leaves her house. She is constantly aware of the...
June 8, 2015