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68 results


Hundreds of families were threatened with forced eviction. LGBTI people were subjected to discrimination and harassment. A man was charged with marital rape for the first time. Repressive legislation was used to silence peaceful dissent and journalists faced arbitrary detention, torture and other...
Angola Children

Southern Africa: Alarming rise in the number of girls experiencing sexual abuse and unwanted pregnancies during the pandemic calls on governments to take action to protect girls’ rights

Authorities across Southern Africa must immediately take action to protect girls’ rights to health, information, education, equality and to live freely from gender-based violence and discrimination, Amnesty International said today as the world continues to mark 16 Days of Activism against...
Angola Censorship and Freedom of Expression

Southern Africa: Open letter to SADC: Restrictive COVID-19 regulations presenting concerning ramifications for enjoyment of human rights, including livelihoods

Amnesty International in collaboration with Advancing Rights in Southern Africa (ARISA), Southern Africa Human Rights Defenders Network (SAHRDN), Southern Africa Litigation Centre (SALC) are writing this letter to bring to your attention the worrying restrictive COVID-19 regulations presenting...
Africa Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

Africa: Oral statement on the theme of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in Africa at the 63rd Ordinary Session of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights

Amnesty International is concerned that every year, governments across Africa fail to refrain from and prevent forced evictions of hundreds of thousands of people from their homes and the land that they occupy. These evictions have been carried out in the absence of due process requirements as...