Censorship and Freedom of Expression
Saving lives, changing laws and protecting human rights – Amnesty International and its supporters have been busy racking up the wins this year…
July 11, 2023
Censorship and Freedom of Expression
THE CATALYST As the world continued to grapple with the economic impacts of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, in August 2022, Sierra Leone erupted into violent events, leaving some cities in the country, including the capital Freetown, in turmoil. The escalation of violence has been attributed to...
April 27, 2023
Europe and Central Asia
The catastrophic earthquakes that devastated south-eastern Türkiye and northern Syria on 6 February and again on 20 February require a committed and sustained global humanitarian response. To date, the combined death toll is over 46,000 and climbing. Hundreds of thousands have been left homeless...
February 23, 2023
Europe and Central Asia
Sifting through Facebook, Huwaida stumbled upon the footage she was dreading. But it was only when further photos of her uncle Anwar’s lifeless body emerged & a human rights organization on the ground confirmed it, that she knew for sure. Anwar was dead. Anwar from Sudan, was just one of at...
December 13, 2022
Business and Human Rights
A proposal to commit states to declare 30% of the Earth’s land and sea mass protected for conservation and biodiversity by 2030, the so-called 30 x 30 proposal, will be a major focus of discussions at the 15th Conference of the Parties (COP15) of the Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD), in...
December 6, 2022
November is a difficult month in our family. It is a reminder that another year has gone by that Papa cannot be with us. It is also a reminder that he will once again be alone on his birthday. All we can do on the 19th of November since the past three years is think […]
November 18, 2022
Censorship and Freedom of Expression
UN member states should urgently support a halt on the sale, transfer and use of spyware to end the endemic unlawful surveillance of activists, journalists, lawyers, and political leaders, Amnesty International said today. 107, 273 people from 180 countries and territories signed the organization’s...
October 28, 2022
Europe and Central Asia
Censorship and Freedom of Expression
From violently dispersed protests to a politically-motivated prosecution that led to the convictions of Osman Kavala and seven co-defendants in Türkiye; this is a chronicle of a chilling injustice. The political prosecution of the Gezi prisoners of conscience The imprisonment of 7 people known as...
June 17, 2022