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152 results


The security forces used excessive force to impose COVID-19 restrictions and dozens of people, including children, were unlawfully killed. Human rights defenders were arrested for disseminating health information and distributing masks and hand sanitizer to Indigenous communities. The rights to...
Angola Censorship and Freedom of Expression

Angola: Make the vote meaningful for human rights observance: Human rights manifesto for Angola ahead of the 2022 general election

On 24 August 2022, Angolans will have their fifth general election since 1992. This human rights manifesto is intended to encourage all the Angolan political parties and their candidates in this electoral cycle to provide information to the electorate on what they intend to do, and how, to tackle...
Angola Children

Southern Africa: Alarming rise in the number of girls experiencing sexual abuse and unwanted pregnancies during the pandemic calls on governments to take action to protect girls’ rights

Authorities across Southern Africa must immediately take action to protect girls’ rights to health, information, education, equality and to live freely from gender-based violence and discrimination, Amnesty International said today as the world continues to mark 16 Days of Activism against...
Angola Censorship and Freedom of Expression

Southern Africa: Open letter to SADC: Restrictive COVID-19 regulations presenting concerning ramifications for enjoyment of human rights, including livelihoods

Amnesty International in collaboration with Advancing Rights in Southern Africa (ARISA), Southern Africa Human Rights Defenders Network (SAHRDN), Southern Africa Litigation Centre (SALC) are writing this letter to bring to your attention the worrying restrictive COVID-19 regulations presenting...
Angola Freedom of Association

Angola: Open Letter of concern on members of civil society and religious body facing death threats and intimidation in the Cuando Cubango province

In this joint letter, civil society organizations express their concern with reports of continuing harassment, intimidations and arbitrary detention of human rights defenders in the Cuando Cubango province, namely the members of the non-governmental organization Mission of Beneficence Agriculture...