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88 results


Iran: Human rights in Iran: Review of 2022/2023

This is Amnesty International’s annual report on the state of human rights in Iran during 2022/23, subdivided by key human rights themes. It is part of Amnesty International’s annual 2022/23 report on the state of the world’s human rights.

Human rights in Africa: Review of 2019

This report documents the state of human rights in the countries sub-Saharan Africa during 2019. It is composed of a regional overview and 34 country entries, subdivided by key human rights themes. Africa faces numerous human rights challenges. Protecting civilians in armed conflict, freeing human...

Human Rights in the Americas. Review of 2019

Inequality, corruption, violence, environmental degradation, impunity and the weakening of institutions continued to be a common reality across the Americas, resulting in daily human rights violations for millions of people. Several countries in the region were shaken by massive demonstrations...
Asia and the Pacific

Human rights in Asia-Pacific: Review of 2019

It was a year of repression, but also of resistance. The Chinese government clamped down with renewed force on the freedoms promised to the people of Hong Kong under the terms of the handover of the territory in 1997. In the streets, those freedoms were doughtily defended against the steepest odds....