Country Profile
Political activists and civil society members including human rights defenders continued to face intimidation, harassment and arbitrary detention. Rights to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly were restricted particularly in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The right to health was...
The economic crisis caused by the fall in oil prices, on the one hand, and the COVID-19 pandemic, on the other, has revealed Congo’s deep-rooted problems, in particular the very poor human rights situation. The health sector has been particularly affected by the crisis and its management. Against...
April 19, 2021
Censorship and Freedom of Expression
Health and essential workers have played an extraordinary role in the global response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Across countries, they have put their health and wellbeing at risk, often in very difficult circumstances and with very little support, to ensure that people are able to access the...
July 13, 2020
Censorship and Freedom of Expression
Human Rights Council adopts Universal Periodic Review outcome on Congo. Following recommendations accepted in its 2013 UPR, Congo abolished the death penalty in its Constitution. However, the Criminal Code has not yet been reformed to align it with the Constitution. Amnesty International therefore...
March 15, 2019
Central African Republic
Business and Human Rights
States have noted the potential mutual benefits of creating stronger links between human rights mechanisms with a view to achieving both greater and more effective implementation of human rights obligations and commitments on the ground and increased accountability for delivering the Post-2015...
September 1, 2018
Censorship and Freedom of Expression
Amnesty International has documented many cases of activists and opposition members arbitrary arrested and detained for simply exercising their right to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly. The organisation has also documented the forced return of more than 179,000 people to the Democratic...
March 1, 2018
Amnesty International believes that crimes under international law, and human rights violations have been committed by agents of the Republic of Congo or by persons acting with the authorization, support or acquiescence of the authorities of the Republic of Congo, as part of operation Mbata ya...
July 2, 2015
Central African Republic
Censorship and Freedom of Expression
In this document Amnesty International makes recommendations to the governments of different states about ratification of international human rights standards, domestic legislation and human rights violations. The abuse of rights considered includes those of Indigenous peoples, ethnic minorities,...
July 31, 2013
Internally Displaced People
As the African Union celebrates the 50th anniversary of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU), and a little more than a decade since the formation of the African Union (AU), which seeks to promote “an integrated, prosperous and peaceful Africa, driven by its own citizens and representing a...
May 23, 2013
In this open letter, written on the occasion of Congo’s candidacy for membership of the UN Human Rights Council in the elections scheduled for 20 May 2011, Amnesty International takes the opportunity to note some opportunities for the government of Congo to promote and protect human rights on the...
May 19, 2011
Armed Conflict
1) Indigenous rights in Brazil: Pushed into poverty 2) LiveWire: Kuwait: The case of Muhammad ‘Abd al-Qader al-Jasem; Haiti’s displaced people feel neglected by the state; Meeting the women of Nairobi’s slums 3) Research spotlight: Human rights crisis afflicts millions in northwest Pakistan; A...
August 1, 2010