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92 results

Central African Republic

Armed groups continued to commit war crimes and other human rights abuses. Sexual violence remained widespread. The justice system made important but limited progress towards combating impunity for crimes under international law. The right to health was severely restricted. Foreign companies were...
Central African Republic Business and Human Rights

Suggested recommendations to States considered during the 31st session of the Universal Periodic Review, 5-16 November 2018

States have noted the potential mutual benefits of creating stronger links between human rights mechanisms with a view to achieving both greater and more effective implementation of human rights obligations and commitments on the ground and increased accountability for delivering the Post-2015...
Central African Republic Armed Conflict

Central African Republic: Weak national protection systems: Amnesty International submission for the UN Universal Periodic Review, 31st Session of the UPR Working Group, November 2018

While Amnesty International acknowledges the progress made by the Special Criminal Court, the organization remains concerned about the challenges the Court continues to face, including with regard to funding and the weakness of the national criminal justice system. Amnesty International also raises...