Country Profile
Armed groups continued to commit war crimes and other human rights abuses. Sexual violence remained widespread. The justice system made important but limited progress towards combating impunity for crimes under international law. The right to health was severely restricted. Foreign companies were...
Armed Groups
The present briefing is based on information gathered on justice-related of the past year developments in Central African Republic (CAR) and interviews conducted with more than 40 people in Bangui in October 2021. It is a follow-up to Amnesty’s report titled “On trial, these warlords lowered their...
December 8, 2021
Armed Conflict
On the 27 December 2020, Central African voters will go to poll for presidential elections. It is the opportunity for candidates to strongly reaffirm their commitment to end impunity.
December 14, 2020
Armed Conflict
Central African Republic has suffered waves of violence and armed conflicts since 2002, with numerous crimes under international law and other serious violations and abuses being committed with impunity. Efforts to ensure justice to victims of these horrendous crimes are insufficient. Ordinary...
October 22, 2020
Business and Human Rights
The authorities of the Central African Republic (CAR) must carry out an independent investigation into concerns of environmental damage and human rights abuses in the context of gold mining in Bozoum. The four Chinese gold mining companies left the area in late April 2020. But the deaths of seven...
July 27, 2020
Business and Human Rights
The actions of four gold mining companies could be putting at risk the human rights of thousands of people in the Central African Republic (CAR). The government there must suspend their operations while investigating the impact they are having and provide necessary assistance to local inhabitants....
April 17, 2020
Central African Republic
Armed Conflict
Amnesty International commends the government of the Central African Republic for its efforts towards achieving lasting peace and ensuring that alleged human rights abuses are investigated and the perpetrators brought to justice. Amnesty International is concerned, however, by the continued and...
March 14, 2019
Central African Republic
Armed Conflict
A brutal attack on a displaced persons camp in the town of Alindao, in the Basse-Kotto region of the Central African Republic, took place on 15 November 2018. An armed group called the Union for Peace in the Central African Republic (Union pour la Paix en Centrafrique, UPC) carried out the attack,...
December 14, 2018
Central African Republic
Business and Human Rights
States have noted the potential mutual benefits of creating stronger links between human rights mechanisms with a view to achieving both greater and more effective implementation of human rights obligations and commitments on the ground and increased accountability for delivering the Post-2015...
September 1, 2018
Central African Republic
Armed Conflict
While Amnesty International acknowledges the progress made by the Special Criminal Court, the organization remains concerned about the challenges the Court continues to face, including with regard to funding and the weakness of the national criminal justice system. Amnesty International also raises...
March 16, 2018
Central African Republic
Armed Conflict
This is Amnesty International oral statement to the Independent Expert on the situation of human rights in Central African Republic. Amnesty International would like to raise the awareness on the escalation of human rights violations and abuses, and increasing sectarian violence committed by armed...
October 2, 2017
Central African Republic
Armed Groups
Conflict and military coups have torn apart the lives of the people of the Central African Republic for decades. Since the renewed violence in 2013, the population has been affected by brutal human rights abuses and violations, as well as crimes under international law committed across the country...
May 10, 2017
Central African Republic
Justice and the fight against impunity for crimes under international law must continue to be a central priority for President Faustin Archange Touadéra’s government, said Amnesty International and 30 human rights organizations working in the Central African Republic in a declaration issued today.
April 12, 2017