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Asylum-seekers were detained in substandard conditions in Pournara refugee camp. Several incidents of pushbacks of refugees and migrants were reported.
Cyprus Detention

Ahmed H finally home: What happened

After being imprisoned and then held in immigration detention in Hungary for more than four years, Syrian national Ahmed H. was finally allowed to return home to be reunited with his family in Cyprus in the early hours of this morning. A case that Amnesty International has campaigned on for a long...

Cyprus: Abusive detention of migrants and asylum seekers flouts EU law

Cypriot immigration authorities routinely detain hundreds of migrants and asylum-seekers in prison-like conditions for extended periods while awaiting deportation, said Amnesty International. Those detained include Syrian refugees and women separated from their young children. Evidence gathered by...
Albania Detention

Europe moves to protect trafficked people

Europe has taken a further step towards protecting people who have been trafficked with the entry into force of a new convention on Friday. The 14 states that have so far become parties to the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings have committed themselves to...