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82 results


Asylum-seekers were detained in substandard conditions in Pournara refugee camp. Several incidents of pushbacks of refugees and migrants were reported.
Bosnia and Herzegovina Asylum

Europe: Pushback practices and their impact on the human rights of migrants and refugees – Amnesty International Submission to the United Nations (UN) Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Migrants, February 2021

In response to the questionnaire of the Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants on “pushback practices and their impact on the human rights of migrants”, this document provides Amnesty International’s input on select patterns of pushbacks of migrants and refugees in Europe with a focus...
Afghanistan Censorship and Freedom of Expression

Suggested recommendations to States considered in the 18th round of the Universal Periodic Review, 27 January – 7 February 2014

In this document Amnesty International makes recommendations to the governments of different states about ratification of international human rights standards, domestic legislation and human rights violations. The abuses and rights considered include use of excessive force; impunity; death penalty;...
Afghanistan Censorship and Freedom of Expression

Amnesty International assessment of states’ implementation of recommendations from the previous UPR: 18th session of the UPR Working Group, 27 January – 7 February 2014

Amnesty International has assessed the extent to which 12 of the states up for review have implemented key recommendations accepted in their previous UPR in 2009. The organization strongly urges these states to pay close attention to the implementation of accepted recommendations and to address any...
Brazil Armed Conflict

Wire, September/October 2012. Vol. 42, issue 05

1) The Agenda 2) Up front: A life in isolation 3) Italy: ‘What does this tell our children?’ 4) International justice: Exposing wrongs on the global stage 5) Human Rights Talk: A dying trend 6) Côte d’Ivoire: Closing the toxic loopholes 7) Poster : 10 October 2012: World Day against the Death...