Country Profile
Human rights defenders lacked appropriate protection mechanisms to safeguard their lives and physical safety. The authorities failed to ensure effective investigations into threats and attacks against human rights defenders, particularly those working to defend Indigenous Peoples’ rights, their...
Human Rights Defenders and Activists
Amnesty International welcomes Ecuador´s support for 164 recommendations of the 174 directed to it during its fourth Universal Periodic Review. We encourage Ecuador to implement supported recommendations as soon as possible. We urge the government to submit a mid-term report on progress towards...
March 24, 2023
Ecuador is the country with the third largest Venezuelan refugee population on the continent. Women, who make up about half of this population, face multiple forms of violence in different spaces, private and public. This report documents how the Ecuadorian state is failing to guarantee the rights...
November 17, 2022
Arms Trade
This document contains suggested recommendations to be made to the states under review at the 41st session of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) in November 2022. The countries covered are Algeria, Bahrain, Brazil, Ecuador, Finland, India, Indonesia, Morocco, Netherlands, Philippines, Poland,...
September 16, 2022
Human Rights Defenders and Activists
Amnesty International is concerned about the security situation of human rights defender Lina Maria Espinosa, a lawyer who defends human rights, in particular indigenous peoples and the environment. Lina Maria has received several death threats, which could be linked to her defense of human rights....
August 10, 2022
Human Rights Defenders and Activists
In this document, Amnesty International offers an evaluation of the implementation of recommendations made to Ecuador in its previous Universal Periodic Review (UPR) regarding the protection of human rights defenders, free, prior and informed consent of Indigenous peoples, and decriminalization of...
April 5, 2022
Indigenous People
Amnesty International welcomes the 27 January 2022 decision of the Constitutional Court, Ecuador’s highest court, confirming violation “of the rights to prior consultation, to nature, water, a healthy environment, culture and territory, as well as comprehensive reparation measures”, regarding the...
February 10, 2022
Domestic Violence
Salomé Aranda, an Indigenous woman and human rights and environmental defender, member of the Amazonian Women collective, has repeatedly been a victim of gender-based violence. According to the information received by the organization, on 29 October Salomé Aranda was physically and psychologically...
November 4, 2020
Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
Amnesty International expresses its concern about the serious situation of vulnerability faced by people and communities whose food and water sources have been affected by the oil spill that occurred on 7 April in the Ecuadorian Amazon. This situation has worsened with COVID-19.
May 11, 2020
Human Rights Defenders and Activists
Amnesty International will continue to monitor the criminal proceedings against the human rights defender Ola Bini in Ecuador, after identifying human rights violations and undue interference by the government. The judiciary must ensure that any evidence used against Ola Bini has been obtained...
August 26, 2019
Business and Human Rights
Throughout 2018 in Ecuador, Amnesty International recorded a series of attacks and threats perpetrated against women human rights defenders. Despite the change in rhetoric since President Moreno came to power, this situation has demonstrated serious failings in the State’s capacity and will to...
April 30, 2019
Business and Human Rights
Dear President Moreno. We are writing to you from Amnesty International, Acción Ecológica, Fundación Pachamama, la Comisión Ecuménica de Derechos Humanos and Amazon Watch. Our organizations have been closely monitoring the situation of human rights defenders in Ecuador. We address you today to...
August 9, 2018
Human Rights Defenders and Activists
Defending human rights in Latin America and the Caribbean continues to be a dangerous activity. Despite the fact that it is a human right recognized by international instruments, defending human rights has cost lives, physical integrity and freedom of hundreds of human rights defenders in the...
December 9, 2014