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164 results


There were concerns about governmental responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, Indigenous land defenders, climate change and past cases of forced and coerced sterilization of Indigenous women and girls.
Americas Justice Systems

Canada: Criminalization and prosecution of rape in Canada: Submission to the UN Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and consequences

Amnesty International presents the attached responses to the questionnaire on criminalization and prosecution of rape in Canada. This submission has been prepared in response to the call for contributions issued by the United Nations (UN) Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and...
Americas Children

Canada: Ending immigration detention of children in Canada and seeking adequate reception and care for them- Amnesty International submission to the UN Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants

Amnesty International opposes the detention of all children – whether accompanied or unaccompanied, whether migrants or asylum-seekers – solely for migration-related purposes, since such detention can never be in the child’s best interests. Amnesty International takes the position that a...