Country Profile
Women and transgender people were discriminated against in law and in practice. Asylum-seekers were refused safe entry at borders and were expelled. Changes to laws to contain COVID-19 restricted freedom of expression and peaceful assembly. The government continued to undermine judicial...
Europe and Central Asia
Freedom of Association
Amnesty International calls on the Hungarian government to repeal the recently adopted law “on the transparency of civil society organizations capable of influencing public life” (hereinafter: the new LEXNGO) that further stigmatizes non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and the recently adopted...
July 29, 2021
Europe and Central Asia
Censorship and Freedom of Expression
Amnesty International calls on the Hungarian Officer for Fundamental Rights (hereafter the Ombudsperson) to publicly condemn and immediately refer to the Constitutional Court the recently adopted and promulgated law (hereafter the Hungarian Propaganda Law) that would ban education and advertising...
July 22, 2021
Europe and Central Asia
Freedom of Association
This briefing provides a review of the impact of the law restricting Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) adopted in Hungary in 2017, that requires civil society organizations receiving support from foreign and international sources to register as “foreign-funded”. Amnesty International urges the...
April 9, 2021
Europe and Central Asia
Censorship and Freedom of Expression
In this submission, Amnesty International evaluates the implementation of recommendations made to Hungary in its previous Universal Periodic Review. The organization also assesses the national human rights framework and the Parliament’s recent measures regarding the restrictive amendments of the...
April 6, 2021
Europe and Central Asia
Censorship and Freedom of Expression
The Government of Hungary has initiated and implemented several steps between 2010 and 2020 that have adversely impacted the independence and impartiality of judicial institutions in Hungary. The first European Commission Rule of Law report of 2020 found that over the past years, EU institutions...
February 22, 2021
Europe and Central Asia
Amnesty International calls on the Hungarian Parliament to reject the proposed 9th Amendment to the Fundamental Law (the Hungarian Constitution) and the draft bill T/13648 (hereinafter the omnibus bill) that further undermines the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI)...
November 26, 2020
On 11 March, the World Health Organisation declared the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak a global pandemic and called on states to take urgent measures to tackle it. This report covers 12 countries and exposes how the enforcement of the ‘lockdown measures’ adopted by many European states have...
June 24, 2020
Europe and Central Asia
Business and Human Rights
Although the law prohibits gender-based discrimination in Hungary, women continue to experience widespread discrimination on the grounds of their sex/gender and for being a mother both in the workplace and in the labour market more generally. This report examines the discrimination pregnant women...
June 3, 2020
Europe and Central Asia
Justice Systems
The present research found that Hungarian judges think institutional judicial independence is being severely undermined in Hungary. Although on paper the judiciary is a separate branch of power, this principle has come under attacks from the courts’ central administration and other branches of...
April 6, 2020
Europe and Central Asia
Sexual Rights
Amnesty International is concerned that the Hungarian government submitted a bill to Parliament that would gravely violate transgender and intersex people’s rights, while all efforts should focus on protecting and guaranteeing the right to health for everyone without discrimination, and taking...
April 3, 2020
Europe and Central Asia
Amnesty International is deeply concerned that the Hungarian government may introduce extraordinary measures by decree that are not necessary and proportionate to resolving the current public health emergency and violate human rights. The new law (Bill on Protection against the Coronavirus or Bill...
March 31, 2020
Europe and Central Asia
Amnesty International is pleased to note that the European Court of Human Rights Grand Chamber judgment in Ilias and Ahmed v Hungary confirmed the Court’s finding that Hungary breached its obligations under Article 3 when it returned two asylum seekers to Serbia. Amnesty International however...
November 25, 2019